Shops: Snake Oils and Little Miracles
For this next installment, we are going to be helping the average DM create more sophisticated shops for their campaign, whether big or small a town needs some sort of attractions, local treasures, and maybe even some tourist traps for the party to get lured into, or for them to frequent if they happen to get a home in the city, but lets dive into some creation to help the stock stand out to our party. Taverns, Inns, and Spas To get us started, lets talk about our drinking establishments, relaxation areas, and places for our weary travelers to rest their head. Inns and Taverns are some of the bread and butter of D&D, between our starting point, a constant quest spot, a place for our wonderful troupe of misfits to get into some bar fights and other antics this place will be a safe haven and for one reason or another be frequently visited. We can start with a menu giving the party meals for some amount of money, based on how 'upscale' that this establishment is, drinks...