D&D Characters: Based on Other Media
We all have our favorite characters from TV, movies and other games. Sometimes we want to think about what it would be like said characters, and one great way to do so is to make them in a D&D campaign! Through this I will be discussing a few ideas of characters from different media and how to make a character as close as possible to them. Now, some things will be easier than others, based on level, and D&D scenario (if it makes sense/fits the setting and such) Red Mage: Final Fantasy series Level Needed: 3rd, Multiclassing into fighter at 2 or multiclassing into wizard at 2 Class/Subclass: Fighter level 1 for proficiencies, Wizard 2+ for spells, taking Evocation school The Red Mage, elegant in both form and magical prowess. In the Final Fantasy universe, they are depicted as a rapier-wielding gentleman or gentlewoman. So to produce our red mage we take our first level in Fighter, this will give us capability of wearing real armor, if wanted, give us two martial weapon...